Newbie from Oklahoma


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
After moving around for years due to husband job, he is retired and we are settled back in rural area. So back in the poultry with chickens, guineas, 2 turkeys, ducks, and just got 3 peacocks. Never a dull day. Look forward to reading and interacting with other bird junkies.
Hi there and welcome :) I'm a new member, first time chicken owner and from Oklahoma too! I also live in a rural town -- small world?

My chicks are approximately a month or so old and are nearing the fully feathered phase. We're currently working on the coop and run (we should be finished by this Saturday) and they can all move in! It's been a tremendous 3-4 week undertaking to say the least!

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, we are all chicken junkies AND enablers around here! So you have come to the right place. Pull up a roost bar and make yourself at home! Welcome to our flock!

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