Newbie from Saltsburg Pennsylvania


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

my husband and I first got chickens about 10 years ago. We got our first batch from a local farm store and hand raised them. We built a run/coop to keep them in once they were old enough only to have our terrior mix Bob break in and kill them all. It was very devistating, but we didnt give up. We got more and trained our dog not to hurt the chickens. In the end, Bob and the chickens could hang out together with out any worries on our part.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

Right now we have 13 new chickens that we just added to our flock of 14 so about 27 chickens!

(3) What breeds do you have?

We have mostly araucana's or americaunas with 4 silky's, a rhode island red.

(4) How did you find out about

I have an issue with my flock...googled the question and this site came up.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

My husband and I devote alot of our time to our animals....we have taken alot of unwanted and abused animals in over the last 10 years. (we have mini horses, pot bellied pigs, st bernard, cat, iguana)
from North Carolina!

God Bless you for helping those who can't help themselves - we rescued our dog and she has been a joy to have around, very good with children and chickens!

I'm new to chickens, adopted my first flock this March, looking forward to learning from you
FROM another Pa member.

I have so many chickens I lost count.

I do know I have 13 silkie baby's. 7 of them are with their momma and 6 I hatched out. They are still inside.

I have Buff and White Orpingtons. I used to have RIR's but I like these a lot better.

I don't know how I found BYC I was just looking and it came up.

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