Newbie hello


Oct 25, 2021
Bay Area, CA
Hi there!

I'm new to BYC and new to chicken keeping. After taking care of the chickens at my child's preschool over the summer, we decided we could handle getting our own and just got 4 chicks last month - an Australorp, Golden-laced Wyandotte, a Golden sex-linked (RIRxRIW) and what seems to possibly be a legit Ameraucana - at least so far.

I was spurred to join because pretty much all of my chick-raising internet searches have led me to BYC forums and answered so many of my worries, questions and more!

We live in the temperate Bay Area (CA) and I have two young kids who have been begging for a pet for ages. Chickens were the only kind of pet my husband and I thought we could handle for the foreseeable future, and so far, the kids seem to be enjoying helping take care of and being entertained by our little chicks.

:frow Welcome from New Orleans. I am really glad y'all decided on chickens for pets. Your children won't become one of those kids that think all food comes from the grocery store. We have had chickens around 10 years (I guess) and our three year old granddaughter loves to "play" with the chickens. She also loves to go to the coop in the morning and find an egg, take it inside and watch while one of us cooks it up, so she can eat it.
She really loves the chickens and eating the eggs. :celebrate
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