Newbie in Houston/Katy area


5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
Hello, I’m new to the backyard chicken thing, (had them as a kid) and wanting to know more about any happenings in my area. Actually on the far west side in the Katy area. Just looking for anyone that is active in the area and would like to discuss chickens,etc. or that knows of any groups that meet or good places to shop. I had an aviary that I tore down, and am now looking at building a coop. Have a great yard that has 8 to 10 foot walls on 3 sides and my house & garage cover the 4th. Last year (actually I think it’s been festering for awhile) my backyard was decimated by lawn moths. I thought, gee, if I’d had chickens, those little suckers wouldn’t have proliferated so well. So, since I’ve been mulling this over for several seasons now, this is the one I’m going to do it. Oh, and I’m just looking for egg chickens. Kinda tame ones, not too skittish. I have a dog and she is friendly to everything so I don’t want chickens that are going to be afraid of people or anything else. No predators to worry about. Been watching videos and reading about different breeds on here to get some ideas.

Welcome to BYC!

Love your avatar! You will want to do some reading in our learning center here on BYC for lots of good reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry...

While you are there, stop by our coops pages to get some idea on coop styles that will fit what you are looking for...

Another section is our breeds page...Lots of great egg layers out there and friendly breeds too. I am a huge fan of the Orpington breeds, the Black Australorps and the Buff Orpingtons. Excellent layers, very docile and friendly, and hardy birds as well. My girls follow me around like drooling puppies looking for goodies or a nice soft lap to sit on. Can't sit anywhere with out a chicken begging to sit on my lap! My girls are 3 years old and are still laying strong. Here is our breeds page and you can read what others are saying about the different breeds...

Here is another external page on breeds. This is one of my favorite charts to give you a quick idea on breeds...

Wait...we are almost done. LOL...Here is the link to your states thread so you can chat with other members in your area...

I think this about covers it!! LOL Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your poultry adventures!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your chicken project, bet chickens would have fun taking care of those moths. TwoCrows has you covered with some great links to check out!
HI, thank you for the welcome. I’ve actually been looking through all the stuff on BYC for almost a year now. Was going to do this last year, but, stuff happens. Hopefully, things will pan out a little better this time. Was doing a lot of animal rescue so didn’t have the time or space for the chickens. Have had chickens, pigeons, ducks and other small birds in the past, but all were rescues. Now that I’ve torn down the old aviary, am looking at coop options. Yes, they have some great ones on the site. Was tempted to hit some of those folks up and try and talk them into coming here and building me one :) Very impressive stuff! l look forward to getting to know some locals as well as some of the folks on BYC. Thanks again. Leigh
Thank you. I’m looking forward to getting to know some of the folks on here. Been “lurking” on BYC for quite awhile now. And I see that you have chickens AND you ride. I do as well. I go to Humble to ride horses, usually the bike is run into Houston stuff. Nice to meet you. Leigh.
Thank You, I look forward to getting to know some of these talented folks. I’m having “coop envy” right now. :)
Welcome. I live in Brookshire. Actually its closer to Pattison. Near the Dewberry Farm area. I am glad you are joining us. Check out my website posted below to get an idea of what my life is like with my miniature animals and of course my chickens. I love to spend time outdoors. Also check out my thread...Small Wonder Miniature Ranch Daily Life. Again welcome. Welcome to our Little Corner of Heaven!!


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