I have been wanting to have backyard chickens for over a year now. I did a lot of research and followed local laws to obtain my “Backyard Chicken” license. Once approved, I went back to the drawing board to decide which chickens I wanted among the 6 chicks I was permitted to now own. I watch my little grandson 2 days a week and wanted more docile human-friendly breeds for his sake. I was fascinated by the various egg colors that could be laid! I immediately knew I wanted a Black Copper Maran, an Easter Egger, and an Olive Egger! That made 3. I also wanted the traditional Barred Plymouth Rock and a Rhode Island Red. These 2 breeds brought back many childhood images of the typical storybook chickens from early childhood readers. I discovered a Lavender Orpington in my research and simply had to add that to my choice of 6. The next step in acquiring them was a journey. I couldn’t find any local hatcheries and the local Tractor Supply offered mostly sexlinks. I researched hatcheries, reviewed customer ratings and finally decided to go with an online order from “Chickens for Backyards”. They did not have a minimum purchase quantity on any particular breed and I was easily able to mix and match my choices. I was soon a nervous but proud chicken momma! They all arrived warm and safe! I was so relieved! The packing slip indicated that of the 6 chickens ordered, the lavender Orpington and the Rhode Island Red did not hatch. They apparently sent replacements for these. Rather than having 6 chicks, I had 7! There were 3 little black chicks that all looked identical. I assumed all 3 were Barred Plymouth Rocks. Now that they are 8 weeks old, only 1 of the black ones developed into the typical black & white speckled Barred Plymouth Rock. I also had a black and brown one that I assumed was the Black Copper Maran. There was a pale yellow chick that I assumed was the Easter Egger. Now I am totally confused! The black and brown chick is gorgeous with beautiful markings around her neck. I now believe she is the Easter Egger. The other two black chicks have become solid black with a little brown spot on their backs at the base of the heads and when they spread their wings, 2 beautiful white feathers are revealed . Their feet are also feathered! I wasn’t expecting that and now suspect they are both Black Copper Marans. They also sent me another Olive Egger…for a total of 2. I am totally clueless about the light colored chick, which I originally thought was an Easter Egger! Now I believe the beautiful black chick with the copper brown lacey neck pattern is the Easter Egger. Could the light one be just a standard Buff Orpington? I am hoping I can get some help to properly ID these chicks. I will attach pictures below. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated by this newb! I am also concerned because I now have 7 chicks and am only allowed to have 6 of them! I think I need to be honest when the inspector arrives to inspect the coop. Do you think they will let me keep the 7th one in spite of the ordinance that only allows 6? I would love feedback on this issue as well. Thanks in advance to all who respond!