Newbie in Northern New York


Humidity Queen
5 Years
Oct 11, 2014
Gouverneur, NY
Hi there! My name is Amy, I'm new to this whole chicken thing. I homeschool my 6 year old son and as a project for our Oviparous animal study (at the urging of my oldest sister who does raise chickens) we decided to try to incubate some eggs. She provided the incubator and eggs and promised to take the chicks after hatching.
Well, I apparently screwed up and we ended up with two hatches and only one that made it after hatching (hatching was late).
Of course we fell in love with "her". She'll be 4 weeks this Tuesday, at least I have come to the conclusion she is a Since my sister has multiple breeds/mixed it's probable she is mixed and I have absolutely no idea what breed(s). Of course we are keeping her and will be setting up a whole pen/run/coop in the spring. Seeing as how we live about an hour from the Canadian Border and are supposed to have an awful winter, she will be housed with us. We have plenty of room and she already has an awesome set up inside.
I came to be on simply because just about every time I googled with a question, the best resources and most interesting threads were those that came from here. (I found myself laying in bed on my laptop reading posts well into the
Seeing as how my son would like to give it another try, we are planning on setting up again at the end of the week with new (calibrated) thermometers and knowledge of errors and hopefully having a better hatch for our second attempt.
Besides being a homeschool mom, I am a single mom and caretaker of my elderly (83 year old) father, so we stay busy, but we are very blessed and no have a new found love and respect of chickens. I can honestly say that I never understood chickens as pets or how easily it can be to bond with a chicken, but, now I'm hooked. lol
Hi Amy, you certainly live a busy life. Have you checked out the threads here on incubation and hatching? I never have incubated chicks, so I can't offer personal advice. But, I know accurate thermometers and hygrometers make the job somewhat easier.& more successful l'm sure others coming along with have links for you.
I have. I even posted on one of the threads last night.
Thank you!
Welcome to BYC, Amy. Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) I'm sorry you lost most of your first hatch and hope the next one goes better. My wife and I homeschooled our children, and now my daughter is following in our footsteps with my granddaughter (pictured in our avatar). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your next hatch.

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