Newbie introduction


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2020
I’m so excited to join the BYC community! I just got my first chicks 10 weeks ago and it has been so much fun watching them grow up. I think my favorite thing is watching them take dust baths. I have 5 straight run barnyard mix chicks that I got from a local farmer. I’m a huge animal lover and have always wanted to have livestock but life was always too busy. We recently settled down in what I hope is my final job, bought a house with 2 acres, and when the pandemic happened I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get a little flock started. My chickens are primarily pets but the eggs are an added benefit. We also have two big dogs who are very curious about the chickens.

I’m already having a chicken math problem! My initial plan was for 2-3 hens. The farmer said I can return any Roos to the farm. But as far as I can tell, all 5 chicks are females! I also pre-ordered 2 Easter Eggers a month ago for some variety in egg color and because I was expecting to return a few Roos. I will post photos in a separate thread and maybe you can help determine the sex of my first set of chicks!

I’m very happy to have you all as a resource. I’ve already gotten so much valuable information from this forum.

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