newbie-just finished coop


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
somerset ky
hi we just started raising chickens for fun, here is my attempt on a coop
. i have some more pictures on my page if you like it. c-ya ricky.
Great-looking coop!!

If that's *only* chicken wire along the bottom (I can't tell from the photo - if it's chicken wire plus 2x4 or 1x2 welded wire mesh then just ignore this) you will need to beef it up, as raccoons and dogs and stuff can rip chickenwire apart. Hopefully there's also some sort of barrier against somehting digging under...?

Welcome to BYC,

hey, no the bottom 12 inches is just chicken wire, your right i should go to the ground with the welded wire and chicken wire over it, or maybe some hardware cloth, thanks for the input.. there is some pics of the inside on my personal page. thanks again.
Very cool. I may have to steal your ideas for the interior. DH is building our coop now and despite initial plans saying otherwise, it is looking like it is going to be 8x8x10'tall :eek:

I wasn't sure how to use the vertical space. I was worried if I did a loft that it would be a pain to clean. But your concept makes it easy!

hi, they seem to like the high ceiling, they have no problem getting up there, well good luck glad i could give some ideas, thanks ricky.

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