Newbie looking for advice

I would suggest chicks. Even though there is alot to raising them, the outcome out weighs the work. Also as a poster above pointed out, there can be problems with getting sick adults (or young adults). The chicks we have raised have been more people oriented. I have had a couple of roosters that turned ugly (mean), but that has not happened often, all our guys here now are really sweet.
I think the more you interact with them the more they will interact with you. We have a couple of "Parrot chicks" who will sit on your lap or shoulder. One or two who supervise everything done in the Hubbies repair shop. One Rooster who will do some really silly things like cleaning his beak on your leg. Girls who lay around our porch swing under our feet and "gossip" as we enjoy the evening air. If any of our birds are free ranging and we come out the door, they run to us and follow us everywhere.
We got a Rooster as an adult one time, little really old man, he would move away from us and call the girls. He would seem to get upset when they would not come to him. He would not get close, nor did he want any interaction with us at the beginning. Before he passed, my youngest daughter would sit and talk to him and he would chitter back to her.
Chickens can be much like potato chips, you can't have just one. :)
I am preparing for my first baby chicks on March 10th and am confused about the best type of litter to use in the brooder box. Also when they graduate to their pen in a couple monthe what is the best bedding to use for comfort,saftey and easiest to keep clean. Their attached yard is fixed and not moveable, they will have a seperate moveable yard for grass time, dont trust all the animals in my area to let them totally free range.Any advice will be appreciated.thanks!
Hi there! I use pine shavings in my brooder box. Several inches deep, then cover with a paper towel layer for the first few days and change it out often. It is not slippery like newspaper, so easy for them to walk on, and you can just put a little chick feed at a time right down on the surface. After the first few days, remove the paper towels and begin putting their food in a feeder. I also use pine shavings in my coop but some folks like sand.

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