Newbie needing coop help


Mar 23, 2015
Hello everyone. I am just getting started and recently acquired 4 leghorn and 4 sexlinks which are about 2 weeks old. I picked up this used coop on CL for $50 and need some advice. Ideally we would let our chickens free range on our one acre yard but due to the fact that we have three Jack Russells and a yellow lab I don't think that's possible. We pen the dogs up whe we leave during the day and might can let them free range then, however I guess I need to create a run to keep then in when the dogs are out. I would also like to think about adding wheels to this coop so it and the run can be moved to different spots in our yard. It is very heavy and I don't know if moving it even with pneumatic tires is even feasible. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what would be the best set up or what I need to do to this coop?

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