Newbie needs help quick please

Upon close inspection, the red only makes up 2/3, there is a semi solid looking, sorta white at the top, and with my knowledge of anatomy I am not holding as much hope anymore. I'm so torn on what to do. I am exhausted and have to get up in less than 4 hrs and get 6 kids ready. I don't know much about bird anatomy, so I wasn't sure if I was right. I would feel terrible for a long time if I just killed it and there really wasn't anything wrong, on the other hand I'd hate for it to suffer. I looked when it first hatched and it didn't seem like I could have pushed it back up, but I was also dealing with a 5 year old I was trying to hide it on. Sorry to pose my moral dilemma, but I really don't know what to do.
I say let it live till you see it get weak. If it gets weak/sick, cull it then. I assume these are pets for you all so you'll have the time to keep a close eye on them.

Found this thread with a pic of a rough navel. They can be various sizes and slightly different colors:

And found this thread where you can see a completely unasorbed yolk AND a loop of intestine. The chick in this thread is one that is a cull candidate:
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Yes it can poop and it's pecking around. It is round and looks almost like an outie, the red stuff is coming from the middle. If I do not do anything to this one, I am concerned that the first one that hatched will pick at it, as it is messing with the ones I put in today and he has an unfair advantage cuz he can run around while the others need to rest still. Ok, hypothetical, if it is intestines, how long would it live, just so I know when I can rest a little easier. I'm not sure if it matters but it did bleed alot when hatched.

Oh, no, it doesn't look like a little worm, it looks very much like the first pic but with the red think under it. I will wait and see, as long as it is very active I'll give it a chance, thanks for everything. You guys are great!
Just let the one with an outie spend an extra day in the incubator by himself. It should stop bleeding in that time. It sounds like a rough navel for sure. If it is intestines. It would probably decline and be done for within 48 hours as even though they have a yolk sac that can sustain them for 3 days, they do start to poo a day or so after hatching and if the intestine is pinched off, it won't be able to move wastes and will be come sick and lethargic. If it's running around AND pooing, I say you have nothing to worry about! He just might have to live on his own till it heals up a bit.
Ok, chick is still eating ,drinking and alert. Everything seems to be shriveling up, but I still have this chick in bator cuz even the new hatches try to peck at it's underside, that's when they get moved to brooder. If the chick is still vigorous 24 hours after hatch is it's prognosis good with it definitely being a rough naval?

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