Newbie on Hatching


11 Years
Feb 18, 2008
I have a silkie, orph, and lorp, all broody all sitting on fert eggs. (the silkie mostly sits on the pine shaving, because the big girls steel her eggs---i think the only thing she going to hatch is a pine tree------good effort little rosie)

Anyway---when these guys hatch do I take them from the moms or leave them?

I ordered them from egg bid and them have been under the chickens since Sept. 17th.

I candled them once and did see about 3 out of the seven had veins, I have been unable to see anything since.

I guess I'm just a bit nervous and dont' know what to expect.
Nope, when they hatch you dont have to do anything thats the GREAT thing about having broodys raise babies, its so easy !!!!! Just make sure you keep food and water close (chick starter mash is ok) to the hens and the chicks when they start to hatch (dont worry if babies dont eat right away)

also I would make sure your silkie has an egg or 2, b/c if she sits for 21 days and hatches nothing she might not stop sitting, whitch could become a problem, you could always give her a baby when the other hens eggs start to hatch, plus I would feel bad that she sat all that time to hatch pine tress !!! Good luck !!!!!
dont want to take over this tread but this was a ? i was going to ask later. So could i feed my hen and chicks a non medicated chick starter grower together
dont want to take over this tread but this was a ? i was going to ask later. So could i feed my hen and chicks a non medicated chick starter grower together

Chick starter is fine for hens to eat also ( would offer there reg food also ) but there is no harm in a hen eating chick food it will help them gain there weight back. you will notice when a hen raises her babies they all eat each others food, ive never had a problem with this.... Good luck !!!
There eggs should be fine to eat, My hens eat the chicks food (there are all in 1 coop) and we eat thoses eggs !!!! I'm preggo and dont have any problems (guess if the baby comes out looking like a chicken ill then know its not ok)
ohhh my, yes we do !!!! hubby would be soooo mad if the baby clucked and didnt cry, he would def think I was a crazy chicken person then.....

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