Newbie: Owning and Raising Chickens


Feb 17, 2020
I'd love to do it. First of all I have a huge backyard. But there is no fence around it. And I can't afford a fence right now. I'm sure there is a way. I live in a city which required they be kept enclosures on all sides. It would need to be rather large. Of much prefer they were free range. What can I do? I want them to be treated humanely.
Welcome to BYC! It may be tough if you can’t afford a fence. Start researching coops and runs. Consider getting a few bantams, they will require less space. Of course give them as much space as you can afford and don’t get too many. Crowding causes a lot of problems.
I live in a city which required they be kept enclosures on all sides.
What are the exact 'rules' your city has for keeping chickens?
Would be good to know that before proceeding.
Best to have your coop and run all built before getting birds.
What are your goals for keeping chickens?

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @Gabriella12
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I love my chickens and I want more but looking back I would have started small like 3-5 chickens total and handled them so they would get used to me and so I could learn their unique characteristics and stuff.

But instead I got 10 and I didn’t handle them much at all and they are the flock that are still not very people friendly. They feel like strangers to me.

So my advice, since you are just starting off, start with a small flock and get to know them. Then increase your flock.
What city are you close to? I provide an enclosed fenced range area and inside that, a coop with attached run. There are times the hens need a wind barrier from the weather, and cover from arial attack, I provide all with my set up. We have had Bald Eagle sightings in my Suburb, I'm not really concerned, my girls would run into the covered run or behind it. I have had no predator loses in 3 yrs, I am vigilant about predators.
If enclosure is required and you are limited financially, then your finances will dictate the size of your enclosure and thus the size of your flock. Enclosure protects your birds. A neighbor of mine got a bunch of beautiful game birds but I did not see any kind of protection for them - no coop and no run. Within a few months all the birds had disappeared. I know traffic got a couple of them, but the rest were probably lost to predators: hawks, coyotes, raccoons, dogs, etc. Plan, prepare, and provide for your flock. Then procure your birds when you are ready. You will save yourself a lot of heartache.
Welcome to BYC! It may be tough if you can’t afford a fence. Start researching coops and runs. Consider getting a few bantams, they will require less space. Of course give them as much space as you can afford and don’t get too many. Crowding causes a lot of problems.
Thank you for your reply, I will look into coops and runs!
If enclosure is required and you are limited financially, then your finances will dictate the size of your enclosure and thus the size of your flock. Enclosure protects your birds. A neighbor of mine got a bunch of beautiful game birds but I did not see any kind of protection for them - no coop and no run. Within a few months all the birds had disappeared. I know traffic got a couple of them, but the rest were probably lost to predators: hawks, coyotes, raccoons, dogs, etc. Plan, prepare, and provide for your flock. Then procure your birds when you are ready. You will save yourself a lot of heartache.
Thank you for sharing that example and your advice. I will look into coops and runs!

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