newbie question -what do you do when chickens never learned chicken behavior?


In the Brooder
Dec 7, 2019
Mobile, Al
My coop was finished and i was ready for my chickens. I didn't want to start with babies so I looked for some young hens. Found some Wheaten Marans that are 24 weeks. The place I got them from had over 50 roaming in a large chain link pen. No coop, no roosts. They all looked fat and healthy so I got my 6 girls and came home. That was 2:00 in the afternoon. I closed them in the coop with food and water and left them overnight so they would know where the roost was. They never used the roost, they huddled in a corner and that's the way they slept. Next morning I opened the door to the run and they wouldn't go out. I finally got them out but all they did was huddle next to each other. No pecking the ground, no scratching. I watched them that evening and they wouldn't go back in the coop. They slept on the ground. The next night I had to chase them down, catch and put them in the coop. We put each one up on the roost, by dark only one was still up there. I don't think these girls ever had a roost to use and all their food was in a container. I put corn out on the ground to get them scratching around and today a couple actually did peck a few times and scratched a bit. I got them 4 days/ 3 nights ago. How do I teach a chicken to act like a chicken? How much should I do and how much do I let them learn on their own? If I don't chase and catch them they will never go back up the ramp to the coop. I'm so confused and concerned that I could be doing everything wrong.
It will take time and patience, but they will eventually learn how to be chickens. You are doing all the right things. If the coop is large enough you may want to leave them just in the coop until they feel comfortable there.
How important is it for them to sleep on a roost? All they have ever done is sleep in a huddled mass. I'm afraid it is an established pattern with them that may be really difficult, if not impossible, for me to change.
It's only been 4 days. They should gradually learn to try new things/go to different spots/be chickens, but you need to give them time to take those steps. I'd lock them inside the coop for a few days for starters, assuming there's enough space in there, in order to home them to the coop. After that, open the door to the run, and let them decide when they want to come out. If they're scared, don't force them.

As far as roosting you can try teaching them to roost by manually placing them on the bars, but I wouldn't worry about that just yet. I'd want them to accept that the coop is home first.
How high are your roosts ?
I added 3 roosts, 1 is just 4 inches of the floor, one is about 10 inches and one is around 16. Its 7:45 and I just took this picture.


  • roosts.jpg
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Poor things. I’m new to chickens but I’ve got a number of rescue pets. The main rule of rescue is it takes time, they’re in a new environment with new people, new rules, maybe different feed, the list is endless. It can take them weeks to become accustomed to things in their new home. It is also totally worth it when they come around!
As I’m writing, I’ve got one of my rescues in my lap. He came from a hoarder, sprayed and bit whenever I tried to pick him up, and had to have his own special crate for weeks because it was the only place he felt comfortable. I cried the first time he wagged his tail. He is a hoot that has a special dance for everything and follows me around the house like he’s my shadow.
They will learn, just be patient and gentle as much as you can.
I know what you mean I was an animal rescue, mostly dogs and cats, for the last 20 years.

This is a bit different. I'm still trying to get their trust so they don't fly into the walls and injure themselves every time I make a movement.
I know what you mean I was an animal rescue, mostly dogs and cats, for the last 20 years.

This is a bit different. I'm still trying to get their trust so they don't fly into the walls and injure themselves every time I make a movement.
Use those instincts. Pretend they’re traumatized cats/dogs that need to adjust. They’ll get there. I always find it heartbreaking when they’re that scared. Do you have any chicken treats?

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