Newbie questions...Does a banty coop need to be insulated? Etc.

Beau coop

11 Years
May 19, 2008
This is my first winter with chickens. I have 3 bantam RIRs and 2 bantam OEGBs (all pullets) in a small coop- 5 feet long, by 4 feet high, by 2 1/2 feet deep. It was an old packing crate that DH helped convert. They have a covered run that is 10 feet by 12 feet. We added tarps to 2 sides to block wind, rain, snow.

Can I safely add any more birds to this set up?

I am in a northern suburb of Buffalo, NY and our winters can be COLD!! I am worried about having chicksicles this winter and DH is drawing the line at garage birds.

Can these breeds of banties survive the cold?

Does the coop NEED to be insulated? It is so small that insulating it may prove tricky.

Is the coop small enough that their bodies can heat it? Or would a light be sufficient for heat? If a light would work, how long each night would you run the light?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Someone may have more info for you, but here is mine. If the coop is closed to wind / breezes then it sounds fine to me, at least until the temp drops to maybe 10degrees or less. Then I would use a 40-75 watt bulb put in the corner so they can get away if they get to hot.
My understanding is that they tolerate red lights better if you plan on leaving the light on all night. If not then a regular light bulb is fine. I am already planning for this winter....I have a heat bulb for when the temps drop way down. We insulated the coop with a thin gray foam. Hopefully they wont eat it. They do not like breezes or drafts so try to secure it against that. Also, make sure you have adequate ventilation, and yes I do know how difficult that is with also trying to stop drafts LOL.
Personally I would think you could add one or two, but if you do a search on here for square footage for chickens you might find out different.
I live in southern MO and we usually get a few days of below zero weather each winter. I think the chickens will survive almost any temp as long as they are dry and draft free. They might get frostbitten combs, though. A few more birds would add extra heat.

I live in north central Florida and we get freezing weather. I have seen my bird baths freeze several times. I have insulated my coop not only for heat but also to help keep it cool in the summer months. When we are expecting a freeze, I use a red heat lamp. My girls are healthy and happy. They will find the right spot for their comfort.

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