newbie return


May 5, 2015
Not a real newbie but couldnt access my account or recieve ny admin respons so new account. Looking for alternate ways of mating my hens because i cant have a roo. AI or stud service help. I might consider eggs or a young cockerel but would prefer not to risk crowing.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Have you considered purchasing fertile eggs? You could let the broodies hatch them or hatch them yourself in an incubator.

Glad you could rejoin BYC!
I have but that still leaves TT he hens un bred and me with cockerels to deal with. I would really like to find a local serama breeder that would let me stud my hens on their roo or one that they are replacing. My girls lost their roo due to ordinance change but I want to continue the project. Local means seattleish.
Chicken folks don't offer stud service and I don't know of anyone doing AI on poultry. Maybe the next responders will have some advice for you.

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