Newbie says hello from Nampa, ID


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Nampa, Idaho
Hi, I will be raising my own group of 3-4 hens this year for the first time. Anyone in my general area that cares to give me a tip or two, it would be appreciated. Over this last year I've made good friends with the neighborhood free ranging chickens that a few of my neighbors keep. So good of friends in fact, there is one that now comes and knocks on my front door when it's looking for a treat. I work from my home, see them quite regularly, and have done some studying. Thanks to local ordinances in my favor, and my neighborhood chicken friends, I'm excited to give it a go. Anyone who can give me advice, and or local sources for chicks, supplies, ideas or recommendations for building my own coop, and good breed recommendations for this area. Thanks for any and all help. Mike
Hi, Mike!

Glad you joined us here at BYC!
You will find a ton of information on raising chickens.
I like to read through the posts to find tips on what works and what doesn't work.
What breed(s) of chickens will you be getting?
Hi, thanks for your warm welcome, and sorry for not replying back sooner... I soon realized that all of my questions, and anything I needed to know was already here, and my time would be best used to concentrate on reading instead of posting.. Which, is pretty-much what you suggested, thank you..

I am also happy to say that I have spent these last couple months deep in chicken knowledge, as well as practical experience, since I brought 4 hens home on March 17th.. I wound up getting two Sicilian Buttercups, and two gold sex-links, they are just 8 weeks old now, and they have been a lot of fun. In addition, I learned that what I thought were my neighbor's free ranging chickens that I said I became friends with, are actually wild homeless chickens! And, one of them hatched an entire brood of eight about one week after I had brought my 4 chicks home.. It's been a very exciting first couple months, in fact I just found a home for the little homeless chicks. I posted some pictures of them, and told their little story, which you can read if you'd like here:

Thanks again for your warm welcome..
I live in Caldwell, and Dunlap Hatchery has always been a great place to get chicks! D&B carries a great variety of feed as well as chicks during their yearly "Chick Days". Hope this helped!
hi mike......also new to nampa area and chickens.
i would like to meet others in the area who are into
small chicken flocks and gardening.
give me a call mac: 442-0139 to the area and near airport and would like to meet people with similar interest......also new to
this format....hope im doing things correctly. if u want to use e-mail: [email protected]

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