Newbie scared of sex link chick!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 1, 2010
Hello out there, I am new at the BYC forum and have a question regarding one of my new babies. She is a BSL and three weeks old. I had never heard of sex links and was hoping for an Astralorp to go with my Bard Rock and RIR. I was told not to worry, definitely female, as male sex links have a white dot on head. I took her home and read everything I could find on sex links. My concern is her comb. Its the same color as the combs on the other two, but is quite a bit larger. Does this mean that it's a roo? I have tried to get a photo, but they won't hold still and my camera is an older one. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
If you are sure it is a BSL then it will be female it it doesn't have a dot....only males have the dot. I would say give it a little while....if the comb continues to grow and become more red....then I would guess that it is a male but not a BSL, but some other black breed.
some sexlinks have very large combs. I have several with big combs. I know they are not roos, as I have seen them lay eggs.
Thank you for the positive replies! I should have stated why I am afraid of roos. When I told one of my neighbors about my little backyard flock he was....horrified! Exact words were, "That's how people get bird flu!" I don't think he would appreciate a crowing roo at 5am, although it is not illegal in our town.
Our red sexlink hen (who just passed away
) had a huge comb as a chick... if she hadn't been a sexlink we would have labeled her a definite rooster. She was a great little layer and we loved her to pieces. Good luck with your girl!

I could not help it. Ask them if they feed wild birds (including humming birds)....would that be how people get bird flu too.....

I would hate it though if they were to give you as much trouble as some on here. I bet if you if they ever ate the fresh eggs they might change their minds on how horrible it is.

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