Newbie since 10/2017

Hi and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us:ya You've been away for a while... How are your birds doing?

Well the one I think has scaly mites, and maybe some frostbite but not sure...

There is another that has been itching at her comb like she is infested w bugs (couldn't find any on her) cleaning out the whole coop tomorrow
Not going to lie feeling stressed and like a bad mom
Well the one I think has scaly mites, and maybe some frostbite but not sure...

There is another that has been itching at her comb like she is infested w bugs (couldn't find any on her) cleaning out the whole coop tomorrow
Not going to lie feeling stressed and like a bad mom
Itching at her comb starting today made herself bleed
Oh no! Have you ever had any in your coop? I’m sorry:( and :welcome best of luck with your flock!

In the fall some had lice and I treated topically and the coop helped in a week..gonna hit it hard tomorrow major cleanup.
This lady in the picture I soaked her in warm water (her legs) then Vaseline

Glad you're here !

A must have for your poultry is a FIRST AID KIT for any issues that would arise. (
It's definitely better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.

Also, make sure your coop(s) have a proper amount of VENTILATION. ( Your chickens will absolutely thank you for it!

One last thing, if you're into gardening, feel free to join this years SEED SWAP (

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