Howdy friends! My name is Tammy and I am raising my first flock of hens and a newly discovered rooster.
I recently finished building my coop, using the HGTV custom coop plans you've seen all over Pinterest. My flock is made up of 5 pullets - a Barred Rock, 2 Buff Orps, 1 Black Australorp and the extra from Meyer Hatchery, which I believe to be a Golden Buff, AND one Aussie Rooster which was sold from the farm supply as a pullet (see my first post from today in the gender category). The chicks are all named after companions of Doctor Who... Clara, Rose and Amy, Martha and River and now Donna has been renamed to Rory.
I'm loving pampering my flock and this discussion forum has truly been a blessing as my first go to with any question I have had or for any info I needed along the journey. I look forward to being able to help others myself as the experience unfolds. Blessings!

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