Newbie trying to figure out gender of 4 1/2 month old flock


Mar 31, 2015
Hey all, first post here - my wife and I are trying to figure out who we need to cull :)

We're first time chicken owners and have just what we've read online as information sources - so your opinions would be appreciated!

I numbered the photos to help in response.

First, what we're pretty certain are our cockerels:

(1) EE cockerel

(2) EE cockerel
(3) RIR cockerel
(4) Buff Orpington cockerel
(5) Buff Orpington cockerel

(6) in foreground, RIR pullet or cockerel?? same body shape, but very different color and comb/wattle size
(7) - in background, supposedly red sex-link pullet or cockerel?

We're pretty sure the rest are pullets, but here are some pictures just in case you want to weigh in as well :)

(8) Australorp pullet
(9) Australorp pullet (left of frame)

Barred Rocks: hard to get decent pictures of these two, they won't stand still for a second
(10) Barred rock pullets

(11) Barred rock pullet (left of frame)

(12) Barred rock pullet (like big foot, this pullet is itself blurry, the photo is not out of focus)

What was sold as a black sex-link:

(13) in foreground, black sex-link pullet
(14) behind RIR cockerel, black sex-link pullet

We appreciate your opinions - we're thinking need to cull out the majority of the cockerels soon before they start tearing each other and their pullets up. Thank you!
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1-5 are all cockerels. The Buffs have clear saddle feathers (the pointing ones on the top back of the body near the tail). Pullets don't have those.

I'm not sure about 6.

The rest look like pullets.
Thanks for the responses! OK so we were right as far as the easter eggers, RIR, and BO - but there some potential that the RIR in #6 might be a cockerel as well.

Sorry for the confusion with the #'s - the number showing beneath the photo was supposed to help with responses (#14 has lots going on, but was meant to be for the black sex-link standing behind the RIR cockerel)

I'll see if I can get some better pictures of the RIR that shows up in #6
I edited the first post to hopefully make the #s more clear, the appear to the right of each photo with a description at what you're looking at/for.

Opinion on the RIR in this photo:

I think I see hackle feathers, but definitely no saddle feathers - shape looks feminine, too.

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