Newbie Turkey Momma


7 Years
May 2, 2012
Treasure Valley, Idaho
We ordered 4 varieties of turkeys, due on May 10. They include: Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Bronze, and BBW. I am so excited and hope that we can get 5 raise-able/edible hens out of the lot. Never raised anything like this before so it will be an adventure! Any advice would be appreciated!
Turkey poults are pretty much like chicken chicks so far as brooding is concerned but there are several key differences.

First is poults need more protein than chicks. For them what you want is gamebird starter which should be in the 28-30% protein range. It's not always easy to find however so failing that try to find the highest protein chick starter that you can. Tractor Supply, if you have one in the area, usually carries a 24% chick starter. That will work though the poults will grow a bit slower. Supplementing that with some chopped boiled egg will help. No more than what they can clean up in ten minutes or less once a day.

Second is that right out of the box they need more careful watching than chicks. My standard procedure with poults or chicks is to dip the beaks of each and everyone (NOT their whole heads) into their drinking water then set them down on top of their feed. For the first couple of days I usually cut the bottom off an eighteen count egg carton and fill that with feed. It lets them get into it, but keeps them from being able to easily scratch it out.

With chicks once is usually enough because so long as one or two figure it out they will teach the rest. Often enough once is enough with poults as well. But not always. Watch them carefully the first day or two to make sure they are eating and drinking. If not redip them and set them back on their feed. If one or two figure it out they'll teach the rest.

Third is that poults should NOT be allowed to get wet or chilled before they are feathered out and it should be avoided as much as possible even then until they are in the six to eight week old range. If the weather is hot and dry then you can let them range at closer to six weeks. If it's cool and/or rainy then closer to eight weeks.

Everything else is pretty much like chicken chicks.
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So I've never raised chickens either.

I bought game bird feed but have had trouble finding starter mash. Is there something I can make from a recipe for them?

Also, I bought chicken nipples (the kind you screw onto the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket) how would I teach the poults to drink out of this? I saw someone post that they used a PB jar to start with and then got a bigger container later on...

And is it true that they will starve if they aren't shown where the food is? How much do they eat at first?

So many questions, so many more to ask!
I just got two turkey poults as well. I have 24 three week old chickens, and they are my first experience raising poultry as well, so I'm kind of in the same boat... I'm hoping it's not too much different. Mine are eating and drinking well... good to know about not putting them out until later than the chicks... I am feeding my broiler chickens Nutrena Meat Bird feed, which is 22% protien. It says on the bag that is is for turkeys from start to finish... Do I need to get something else??

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