Newbie with some questions


7 Years
May 5, 2012
I almost finished building a chicken ark, at least that's what I think it's called. It's an A frame design with part closed in and the other wrapped in chicken wire for a run. All from materials others were going to throw away, minus the wire, so its not pretty but hopefully fuctional. My questions are:

1. What should I put on the floor, if anything, thought of using newspaper to make cleaning easy. Im talking about in the coop area/ roost area inside. The run floor is open and were planning to move around the yard. My thoughts were to just pull out the paper and through in my compost when need cleaning. Also could I use shredded newspaper in nesting boxes for lining.

2. How many chickens will fit, the coop floor is app. 9sq. Feet, but comes to a point on top. That's the A frame I'm talking about. Eventually would like to have three hens, because my three sons want their own bird.

3. Do Chickens like to have companions or fine alone, I'm worried about available space and thought I might only get one hen, rhode island red, to start but didn't know if she'd get lonely and thought maybe two birds would be better. As I said before really want 3 hens but not sure coop has the space, if you all think there is we'll be getting 3.

Ps. I'm new to the forum and chicken raising, my sons are very excited, they enjoy being outside and helping with the gardens so the wife and myself thought this would be a good adventure in responsibility and good hard work. We might sound mean but try to keep them from getting hooked on video games, etc.

Thanks and hope I posted in the correct forum.
Could you post a picture of it and maybe we could tell a little better. As far as the floor I use pine shavings. I have never used news paper before for the nest boxes, I would probably go with straw, but that's just my opinion. Others may have used newspaper. I would for sure get more than one. I don't know if you are looking for a certain breed, but some breeds are friendlier than other and will make better back yard companions. For instance, Orpingtons generally have good personalities and are great egg layers as well. Rhode Island Red would be a good choice very good egg layer.I don't know much about their temperament as I don't own any. Also, If you only are getting 3 then you will only need 1 nest box. It's usually 1nest box per 3 hens or so I have been told, I don't know if that would help you on space.
Thx for the info. Good stuff, I'm trying to figure out how to upload pics but having trouble. I have them on my I pad but unable to find a quick way to upload, might have to hook up to laptop and do it from there.
I prefer to use corn cob bedding for my bedding. It is more absorbant plus something for them to play with and pick thru...mine love new bedding day. I think I read 1 chicken to 18 inch sq of housing....I am not sure seeing mine are free range. I know I see ppl say they have one chicken but I persoanlly can't see how it could be happy. I think atleast 2 so they have a friend to cluck too :)

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