

Mar 17, 2016
Hello all,
Not sure what I'm getting myself into, but we are going to try and raise some chickens and look forward to learning and getting advice from everyone who has already gone through it.

Don't worry, we were all new at some point and you have a lot of back-up here...everyone is good about helping each other out.

The Learning Center is a great place to start your chicken education so give it a good once over, especially the first part about "Getting Started Raising Chickens".

Most of all, have fun!
Hi and welcome to BYC.

The Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced chicken keepers - loads of info on anything chicken.

Joining your state thread will put you in contact with other BYC members in your area, which can be very helpful.


The members here are amazing - very friendly and helpful, so if you need an answer to a question or simply want some reassurance that what you are doing is ok, then post away - we all help each other out here at BYC.

All the best

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