

8 Years
Sep 21, 2011
My husband and I just moved to a few acres in the country this summer. Discovered a coop already on the place although I didn't know what it was at first. My mother did and she insisted we get chickens but I got hooked on them really fast. I bought 5 "bantams", 2 black cochins and 3 splash chickens from a man who taught us a great deal while showing us 3 acres of his chickens.. Yes, I am so new and ignorant I thought Bantam was a breed but I am learning. Love hearing all the coos , clucks and churles. Sounds like speech or singing. Love watching them run around, scratching and pecking. After a few more weeks we bought 5 beautiful golden chickens from a very upscale neighborhood. We were told they were Rhode Islands. They run up and beg for attention like puppies. That was going to it but we were given 7 more chickens by a neighbor Sunday and yesterday we kind of rescued 6 more. We saw them at a yard sale. I was giving my husband the signal that I didn't want to buy these chickens. They were kept in crowded fifthly conditions and looked bedraggled. One of them is a naked neck chicken which is taking some time to get use to and another is suppose to be a puffy face breed. He said we have the room and the owner did not. We have them quarantined right now and hope to get them in shape for winter. They smell so FOUL I may be doing my first chicken bathing tonight. These guys are why I found this site.
We moved to the country because I fell head over heels in love with this old starved race horse and he changed my life. We adopted him 2 years ago. People who saw him at the rescue don't recognize him now. My oldest granddaughter has a little Arabian and participates in 4-h. A year ago, we adopted a little Shetland mare that surprised us with a beautiful little boy. Hope this wasn't TMI, too much information.
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Hello and welcome from OHIO!

Just try to keep the yard sale chickens away from the healthy ones for a while......They could have lice or who knows what illnesses.....

Good luck to you and we'd love to see pics and keep us posted on how your rescues are doing!

from the Finger Lakes of New York! So very happy to have you with us. Never TMI here!
Thank for all the greetings. I was surprised at the fast responses.
Since it took me too many embarrassing minutes to figure out how to post, it may take some time to upload some pictures. I am hoping to have both before and after pictures. I really would appreciate any advice and help offered. I was skeptical that there was such a thing as a naked neck breed. Just thought it has either been picked on or had some dreadful disease. I had mixed feelings when I discovered there were. I didn't want a sick chicken but I was hoping the feathers grow back. I haven't found a breed that puffs up their faces though. The seller's husband also said one of them had bubble foot and it was not infectious. He told me to add yogurt to the chicken's water. The rescue flock are residing in a separate pen and they seem happy to be all together. I am using wood chips as bedding for now. I haven't a clue to what kind of chickens they are but I am neither a breeder or show person. I keep telling myself they will turn out to great chickens with time and care. Saddest thing about them was the woman who owned seem genuinely fond of them but had fallen on some really hard times. She had already made the sale when she sat down and said her goodbyes to each of them.

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