
1brandy tim2

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
I've been coming here for a few weeks reading lots of great info and just now signing up to join the site. My husband and I have recently gotten our first chickens. We have 7 of them about 6 weeks old and got them out of the house to their new coop yesterday finally. (my nose is greatful!!) Anyway I'm Brandy and My hubby is Tim and we just wanted to introduce ourself. This is a great site, thank you for having us!!
from Michigan!
Greetings from Kansas, Brandy & Tim, and :welcome !  Pleased to have you aboard!  Happy you chicken are cozy in their new home!  Good luck to you!

thanks ... We have a small issue to work out but all in all they seem happy. They will go down the ladder to get out to the run but will not go up the ladder to get in the coop at night. My hubby thinks the ladder is too slick so tomorrow we wil try something different with that but for last night and tonight we picked em up and put them up in the coop.. They are so fun to watch :)

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