Newly hatched chick abandoned by mother, don't have a heat lamp

When we was getting the brooder sorted out for my 5 silkie chicks as the hen decided she didn't want them, I kept them warm by cuddling them close and making a 'pouch' in my jumper to carry them in for when my hands were needed.

Though glad you got the heat sorted out ^^ As for the weak chick... Make some sugar/honey water as mentioned above and dab it on the sides of the beak, don't syringe it, so the chick can lick it off and get a good energy boost. If you syringe it in, you risk drowning the chick.
Mama Roo and her Joey.png
Even when they started getting too big for the pouch, they still loved being in it. :p
Accidental hatches on a broody no can predict. Sometimes they are broody for the sake of being broody. But, if you are expecting a hatch, it is important to set up your brooder box in advance.
Accidental hatches on a broody no can predict. Sometimes they are broody for the sake of being broody. But, if you are expecting a hatch, it is important to set up your brooder box in advance.
That's Not a bad Idea, but I will have to admit that in 2013, 2014, 2015 I set over 150 broody hens and never needed or pre-set-up a brooder. Guess I was Lucky!
Ok we've had it under a lamp for about 6 hours now and fed it a bit of sugar water. It's still cheeping and fidgeting.

It is trying to lift its head but hasn't managed to do so yet and it's eyes are still closed. It has been 5 hours so I'm wondering if it's taking longer than usual or if this is normal.

Again thanks for the help
Ok we've had it under a lamp for about 6 hours now and fed it a bit of sugar water. It's still cheeping and fidgeting.

It is trying to lift its head but hasn't managed to do so yet and it's eyes are still closed. It has been 5 hours so I'm wondering if it's taking longer than usual or if this is normal.

Again thanks for the help

I had quail, who can usually run minutes after hatching, take 2 days to be able to stand properly. I just kept giving it water by dripping it onto my hand and letting it drink it off as the yolk sac had it covered for food, and I did see it eating even though it couldn't stand properly.
Ok it's up and moving now, cheeping away and trying to get out of the basket! Full recovery it seems. We are going to put it back under the mother tonight and hopefully that'll be it sorted.

Thanks again for or the advice, I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow
The mother can't feed them, so you will have to make sure everyone knows how to drink water and where the food is. Put water in a shallow dish with some clean pebbles or marbles - so if a chick falls in drinking - it won't drown. If your chick isn't eating you can feed it some hard boiled egg yolk, finely mashed and moistened with a bit of water. The other chicks have had a good head start on this one, so please watch that they don't peck it and bully it away from water & food. Chicks are like that.
Well we returned it to the mother last night and she seemed to accept it fine, we watched for a while and she was happily allowing the chick to stay under her with the rest of them...

And then we found the chick dead this morning, next to the mother hen but not under her. It's so sad after it made a full recovery.

What do you think happened? Did the mother hen kick it out or did the other chicks do that? We put it under the hen at night time so we thought it would just sleep there with the rest of them.

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