Newly hatched this spraddle leg?


10 Years
May 18, 2009
Ormond Beach
Hi Everyone,
My very first incubated eggs ever are starting to hatch today! One chick (mille fleur d'uccle) is completely out and I have a concern. He/she is about 6 hours old and is having trouble walking. I've never seen a chick this young so I'm not sure if it's a problem but it looks kinda weird. I've been looking over the board about spraddle leg but I wasn't sure this is what's going on. I'll attach a pic. I'm not sure if I should try to hobble or give it a little time. He/she is also kind of matted but that seems to be getting better as the day progresses. If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I'd really appreciate it. I'm trying to post pictures and I'm not sure it's working so please let me know if you can't see them. Thanks!

Nervous chick mom.
I had a similar concern with one of ours. The chick wasn't dry when the hen left it behind in the nest so we hand brooded it, noticed it wasn't able to stand up on its legs, rushed it to the vet, worried about spraddle leg....

Nope, the vet explained the chick's legs were just weak because it was so young. He recommended we keep it warm (of course), offer it water and hard boiled egg yolk, and slip it back under the hen that night when she settled down. That's what we did, and in the morning, "Lucky" was fine.

She's now a week and a half old, and you would not believe how fast she can scoot around!
Thank you so much for the replies! I wanted to post an update. "Fren" is now a little over 1 day old and is doing much better. She (hopefully) is standing up and walking around, albeit it a little wobbly. By my calculations, she hatched 1 day early so I wonder if that has anything to do with this. Three other chicks from the clutch have since hatched over the past 24 hours and they seem bigger and sturdier than Fren. Hopefully she will continue to do well. Thanks again for the replies!!!


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