Newly hatched Muscovy - can't walk, hold head up or open eyes


Apr 25, 2022
I need some advice. We needed to salvage an egg after mum hen gave up. The duckling had been trying to pip but after a few days still hadn't. We took the egg to someone who had an incubator as duckling was still tapping and cheeping inside.

The baby needed full assitance to hatch is now out and in the incubator for warmth. He's survived the last 24 hours but still cannot lift his head or walk. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm feeding the baby through a syringe (just dropping at end of beak) it chirps and sometimes takes the foody water but not much else.
This baby has tried so hard against all the odds.

Any advice appreciated. It can still flap its wings, although I'm not sure its controlled.

I need some advice. We needed to salvage an egg after mum hen gave up. The duckling had been trying to pip but after a few days still hadn't. We took the egg to someone who had an incubator as duckling was still tapping and cheeping inside.

The baby needed full assitance to hatch is now out and in the incubator for warmth. He's survived the last 24 hours but still cannot lift his head or walk. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm feeding the baby through a syringe (just dropping at end of beak) it chirps and sometimes takes the foody water but not much else.
This baby has tried so hard against all the odds.

Any advice appreciated. It can still flap its wings, although I'm not sure its controlled.

I've never had experience with a hatchling such as this but if you can find a local poultry vet to have a look at it to predict an outcome, that would probably be the best bet. It's hard to say if the issues you are seeing are from poor development completely or a lack of nutrition if it wasn't able to fully absorb the egg yolk. Sounds like it has been through a lot. At least if you were to get a second opinion from a vet, you'd know if the poor thing can be saved or if it's more humane to pursue other options.

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