Newly hatched.

I have about 40 turkey eggs in my bator and a unknown amount under 5 hens in my Turkey coop.They puff up and growl at me if I go near them.:eek:
I set about fifteen eggs on the 15th of March and I have moved a bunch of eggs to my hatcher.(hatcher is a second forced air bator with no turner in it )
This morning I found a egg with a beak sticking out peeping away!
I will keep you informed since we are hatching at the same time.
Good luck
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The chick I pulled from the shell is alive but has splayed legs, the second chick/egg was piping for 2 days and the ants had got in. I carefully removed the shell but the membrane had dried on the chick, still alive but very small.
Had a look at the hens sat on 21 eggs and 2 chicks, took the chicks and put in a brooder, they are healthy. The hens are sharing the same nest, had hell of a time getting the chicks out.
It sounds to me like this poult was removed from its shell before it was ready. I understand the ants and would have done the same thing.
I disagree with most here on heat with this chick. it needs to be warm as it is weak and is not producing body heat!
I put the poult in a small brooder, temp 36c.
Sorry you are having ant problems you could elevate the nest some how, even just wood chips it might help.I have fire ants also so Im going to keep a eye on that.
So far I have 4 poults and all the ones I set on the 15 have hatched or in the process.I set more on the 17 and they are mostly pipped. I had a few egg that were not, and after looking at them with my light i cracked the eggs with a pencil Most seem to be doing well.
Time to fire up the brooder.
Update on the chicks, the first one that I pulled from the shell with all the ants, died. And the second one is not too good keeps chirping non stop and not eating or drinking.
The other two that i took from the hen are doing fine and healthy.

The ones that were hatched from the hen in January are fine and healthy too.
Update on the chicks, the first one that I pulled from the shell with all the ants, died. And the second one is not too good keeps chirping non stop and not eating or drinking.
The other two that i took from the hen are doing fine and healthy.

The ones that were hatched from the hen in January are fine and healthy too.
Hey don't feel to bad.I don't know why but last year my first turkey eggs didnt do to well It was about a 60%. Several died in the egg and some died after hatching.
by the end of the season almost all my eggs were good.
my first hatch this year was about 12 eggs I have 5 chicks :( Three of them died at internal pip.Two were deformed, two died hatching.
Second batch of 4 all pipped last night.
I don't know why I waited this year and didn't take eggs for a week.I have some young birds. first eggs maybe., I just don't know.
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