Hello peeps!,
Just wanted to introduce myself....I'm a 1st time chicken owner. I got my 1st gal 3 months ago and put her in with my giunea hens. I did great raising the guineas from chicks and I'm doing wonderful with Hilary, Rhode Island Red too. So we bought a really nice coop off of craigslist and I got some peeps! 2 silver laced wyandottes, 2 golden comets, 2 barred rocks, 3 partridge wyandottes and another RI Red.
All but the Partridge wynd. are outside, the other 3 are about a month younger than the rest. Just a couple days ago I acquired a brown leghorn rooster that's about 3 wks. older than my main brood. He was a freebie due to the fact that neighbors were complaining about him.
A quick little note about myself, I also own 3 horses and we live on 5 acres, we haven't built our own barn yet but as soon as we do (hopefully by 2014) we'll move the horses over and get a goat or 2 and let the chickens mingle with them all. We also have 3 german shepherds and 1 border collie mix and to round it out.....2 cats
Love this forum and all the info is above and beyond awesome! Very EGGcited to be apart of your coop!
Here's a video of my coop & brood.....enjoy!
MY COOP....which we're getting ready to expand next week (yay!)
Just wanted to introduce myself....I'm a 1st time chicken owner. I got my 1st gal 3 months ago and put her in with my giunea hens. I did great raising the guineas from chicks and I'm doing wonderful with Hilary, Rhode Island Red too. So we bought a really nice coop off of craigslist and I got some peeps! 2 silver laced wyandottes, 2 golden comets, 2 barred rocks, 3 partridge wyandottes and another RI Red.
All but the Partridge wynd. are outside, the other 3 are about a month younger than the rest. Just a couple days ago I acquired a brown leghorn rooster that's about 3 wks. older than my main brood. He was a freebie due to the fact that neighbors were complaining about him.
Love this forum and all the info is above and beyond awesome! Very EGGcited to be apart of your coop!
Here's a video of my coop & brood.....enjoy!
MY COOP....which we're getting ready to expand next week (yay!)