Newly Hatched

Breakfast for 2

6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
SE VA-NC border
Hello peeps!,
Just wanted to introduce myself....I'm a 1st time chicken owner. I got my 1st gal 3 months ago and put her in with my giunea hens. I did great raising the guineas from chicks and I'm doing wonderful with Hilary, Rhode Island Red too. So we bought a really nice coop off of craigslist and I got some peeps! 2 silver laced wyandottes, 2 golden comets, 2 barred rocks, 3 partridge wyandottes and another RI Red.

All but the Partridge wynd. are outside, the other 3 are about a month younger than the rest. Just a couple days ago I acquired a brown leghorn rooster that's about 3 wks. older than my main brood. He was a freebie due to the fact that neighbors were complaining about him.
A quick little note about myself, I also own 3 horses and we live on 5 acres, we haven't built our own barn yet but as soon as we do (hopefully by 2014) we'll move the horses over and get a goat or 2 and let the chickens mingle with them all. We also have 3 german shepherds and 1 border collie mix and to round it out.....2 cats

Love this forum and all the info is above and beyond awesome! Very EGGcited to be apart of your coop!
Here's a video of my coop & brood.....enjoy!

MY COOP....which we're getting ready to expand next week (yay!)
Cool looking coop! Very do it yourself look to it. That is quite a mixed flock, especially with the giunea hens! Welcome to BYC!!
Thanks!, yeah the gentlemen we bought it from got the neighbors old decking material when they put up a composite deck. He did a fantastic job on it. That thing takes 4 adult men to move, and I'm getting ready to buy another used dog pen from craigslist to add on. Eventually by about June/July we'll have an additional 25-30' of run added by building the typical wood & chicken wire style. I'll have the 2 gates so I can close off the secured section when I want.
I'm very attached to them already and I went through the "predator" thing with my guineas, so I've learned a lot the hard way. This was my old redneck coop....not very safe. After loosing 2 of my last 4 quineas to a possum I started looking for a "fortress",lol. We've got coyote, fox, opossums, skunks, snakes and of course stray hunting dogs to always be alert to.


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