Newnan, GA Show

Horse trailer!!! You do have a coggins, right

White Springs Inspection station wanted health certificates on our chickens, just because they were in a horse trailer.
Yvonne37894 wrote:

Horse trailer!!! You do have a coggins, right.

White Springs Inspection station wanted health certificates on our chickens, just because they were in a horse trailer.

NPIP, that's all I got to show!!!!

All you need is a copy of your paperwork of having your birds tested. They were kinda confused when I stopped in my horse trailer. Just told them it is federal and that is a chicken health certificate. they were still confused but made copies and sent me on my way.. They know nothing of chickens.....
We are NPIP, but I thought they would see chickens and send me through,
If I had know would of had certificate with us.
They let us go because we were only going 1 mile into White Springs

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