Newnan, GA Show

they do have a pet fee ( dog ) I don't think why they would not let you, I think they know that the reason the hotel is full is cause all the chicken people.
plus is not like they are going to run around the room, just keep them in the crate.
This is the first show I have been to. I only live about 10 miles from Newnan. I'm so excited. I'm not entering anything in the show but I plan to next year.

I have no idea what to expect.
expect to go home with some kind of bird

ETA or at least with a " I want that next " attitude
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Never been to Newnad before My self, so I can't help you there, All I know is that I'm ready to go home with more than what I brought
jennifersmith326, just want to say
I'm not going to be able to make it this year, but there is a sale tent next to the juniors where many BYC members will be selling birds.
Thanks... I think. So if I don't win, you going to give me yours???????



But I will brag and show you mine.

From Sunshine Silkies

From Signature Farm

huntinwidow: I am not a foot race winner but I am devious

Pidgey: I need a support cheerleader...bring it on and bring on the camera....try and get my skinny side if I have one. <<Insert wistful sigh as I remember a cellulite free rump while in college>>

OOOH LAAA LAAA!!!! What beautiful chicks these 2 are going to make!!!!!
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Yvonne, If your worried about them be allowed in the room. You can drop them off here and I will be at the show early in the morning on Saturday. They would be nice and warm in the house. I know Shannon is getting some from you and she lives 20 min from me and hers cans stay here too. Saves them from getting toted around and she can pick them up here on her way home. It adds less then 15min drive time to swing by here instead of going straight up. Here is a link to the directions. Let me know if this is something you would want.,13.392334&ie=UTF8&z=7
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Ms.FuzzyButts :

Sheesh!! I have been looking for another good buff silkie pullet for forever and a day. And it's looking like unless I get there early wearing a helmet and padding, I may not get one this time either..

HAHA Ms. Fuzzy Butts, Tina (Purple Frog) and I are coming together on this trip. No padding or helmets necessary. We can share. LOL.​

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