
What a horrible, one-sided, government -driven article with little to no substance. This is why, when I tell people that I am going to raise chickens, they look at me with horror and cannot understand why I would ever want to grow and raise my own food. The government and their controlled media just can not stand for people to want to do something without their blessing and/or control.

PS. Wash your hands.
Pff!!!! EW, who would buy STORE eggs??!! And, DUH, that's why they get vaccinations for that sort of stuff!!! Ya know, we could turn this into another Boston Tea Party! Britain is trying to save a failing tea company, so they sell a bunch of tea to the colonists. Well, in this case, these people could be trying to save store bought eggs, so they're trying to convince us to eat them! They'll sell us a bunch of store bought eggs, then we'll throw them overboard! And while we're at it, go save the chickens locked up in those commercial poultry farms. Thank you. *gets off soapbox.*
PSS. Take akchick76's advice, and wash your hands. ;D
I'm fairly new to chickens but after watching videos of battery hens and tasting my chickens fresh eggs I will never buy another egg from the store, even if I no longer want to keep chickens ( highly doubtful) I will always buy farm fresh eggs. I wash my hands before and after taking care of my chicken!!
I'm fairly new to chickens but after watching videos of battery hens and tasting my chickens fresh eggs I will never buy another egg from the store, even if I no longer want to keep chickens ( highly doubtful) I will always buy farm fresh eggs. I wash my hands before and after taking care of my chicken!!
I had this discussion with my mom who was seriously grossed out that we have gotten a small backyard flock of chickens.. what about the smell? what if the kids get sick? blah blah blah...
You're more likely to get salmonella from cutting up that processed chicken that you bought on sale at pick and save.

Just wash your hands people. It's not hard.

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