Next sentance please (a story building game)


Hi Everyone!
7 Years
Feb 5, 2012
Port Townsend, Washington
How it goes.....

We start with a sentance, and the next person adds the next sentance, and so on. If I story completes itself, we will start over.

sentance 1 : The rooster walked into the barnyard, followed by the fluffy hen.
next: They both ran for the bowl the farmers wife left scraps in.
Then: Too bad for hiim, it was a trap and he was caught for dinner.
Also: But, before the farmer got far, the dog ran for the rooster, and knocking the farmer over, the rooster ran away.
next: After he ran a ways, a commotion in the hen house got his attention.
..... he cruised over to see what was up, and thats when he saw THE NEW HENS!!

Shall we try?

First sentance:

When Dan woke up a little before dawn, he knew it was gonna be a rough day.
{I love these kinds of games!}

He rubbed his temples, contemplating on the events he thought would take place that day.

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