Next steps with bumblefoot treatment (photos)


Oct 17, 2020
Hello. My golden laced hen has bumbles on both feet, one large and hard and the other more minor. We soaked her feet in Epsom salts and then pulled out the plug of the more urgent bumble, although we were only able to get a small amount of stuff out. (Picture below)

It began to bleed so we stopped and used poultry wound spray before bandaging. The second foot was unable to be helped much and I could only pull off the scab in small pieces. We bandaged that foot the same. She is still walking and hopping on her perch. It’s been 3 days since we pulled out the scab and the foot pad seems to be healing, but I’m worried I didn’t get enough stuff out since it’s still a little swollen. Is it normal to have it heal on its own? As for the other foot, it isn’t getting any worse and seems to be healing up as well. Do I cut into her foot to remove more puss or do I let it heal?

we are changing the bandages daily as well as spraying her feet to make sure they stay clean. Is this all I can do? I’m worried that her foot isn’t on the road to recovery and will end up spreading to her bones.
Is it still swelled? You seem to be doing good 👍
Still a bit swollen, but I guess I can’t expect it to go down within a couple days. It’s more soft now and not as red and hard as before. I can get pictures when I change her bandages tonight.

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