Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

I used the Dumor chick starter with my Cayuga's and they don't have any leg problems.
They are about 4 months old now and i'm feeding them layer pellets now with some outside bug catching of course
Niacin= vit B3=nicotinic acid
BTW I think you mis-read or -understood Holderread's comment it isn't that chick starter is lacking in Niacin (chicks need it too) it is that waterfowl have problems in making use of the Niacin from grains (which is the common source of the vitamin, you may not even see it on the ingredient label unless it is added as a chemical ingredient) They don't have that problem with fresh forage!
It is a problem of bioavailability. The analysis may show good levels of Niacin but it isn't in a form that is available to ducklings. Brewer's yeast is a good safe source. Drugstore Niacin can cause liver damage if over dosed to the point that it is toxic. stick to the recommended dosage and don't think that more is better!

I'm not an expert and one doesn't have to know everything to qualify for discussing topics or sharing information.... thats what this forum is go tell Mr Holderread because this is taken from his book which states:
Cause - This deficiency is caused by ducklings consuming a diet low in usable niacin. Most chick starters are deficienent in niacin" and also states "It is important to remember that most of the niacin in plants is not available to ducklings".

So lighten up...I'm just sharing information.
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I should also mention that the cure using niacin in the drinking water is from DH's book as well so if you have any issues with that I suggest you contact DH personally or write and publish your own book.
Hadn't thought of that. It's true! They free range all day, and have access to whatever grass is in their pen at night.
But I wonder how they stayed healthy in the brooder?

The intricacies of nature.
Well it is your post I would think you would know that Niacin= vit B3=nicotinic acid!
BTW I think you mis-read or -understood Holderread's comment it isn't that chick starter is lacking in Niacin (chicks need it too) it is that waterfowl have problems in making use of the Niacin from grains (which is the common source of the vitamin, you may not even see it on the ingredient label unless it is added as a chemical ingredient) They don't have that problem with fresh forage!
It is a problem of bioavailability. The analysis may show good levels of Niacin but it isn't in a form that is available to ducklings. Brewer's yeast is a good safe source. Drugstore Niacin can cause liver damage if over dosed to the point that it is toxic. stick to the recommended dosage and don't think that more is better!

I'm not an expert and one doesn't have to know everything to qualify for discussing topics or sharing information.... thats what this forum is go tell Mr Holderread because this is taken from his book which states:
Cause - This deficiency is caused by ducklings consuming a diet low in usable niacin. Most chick starters are deficienent in niacin" and also states "It is important to remember that most of the niacin in plants is not available to ducklings".

So lighten up...I'm just sharing information.

Fine might I point out that that DH does say USABLE niacin. DH has written 3 books on waterfowl as well as a series of pamplets. I was explaining from my general knowledge from reading all his works.
So I won't have to break in again to reply to your other comment, I just said to stick to the dosage recommended by DH! there is a known tendency to think that if a little of something is good, more is better~gd
This is from Prescription for Nutritional Healing:
Vitamin B3 (Niacin, Niacinamide, Nicotonic acid)
Vitamin B3 is needed for proper circulation and healthy skin. It aids in the functioning of the nervous system; in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins; and in the production of hydrochloric acid tor the digestive system. It is involved in the normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids, and in the synthesis of sex hormones. Niacin lowers cholestrol and improves circulation. It is helpful for schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, and is also a memory-enhancer. Pellagra is a disease caused by niacin deficiency. Other symtoms of niacin deficiency include canker sores, dementia, depression, diarrhea, dizzyness, fatigue, halitosis, headaches, indegestion, insomnia, limb pains, loss of appetite, low blood sugar, muscular weakness, skin eruptions, and inflammation.
Niacin and niacinamide are found in beef liver, brewer's yeast, broccoli, carrots, cheese, corn flour, dandelion greens, dates, eggs, fish, milk, peanuts, pork, potatoes, tomatoes, wheat germ, and whole wheat products, Herbs that contain niacin include alfalfa, burdock root, catnip, cayenne, chamomile, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, hops, licorice, mullein, nettle, oatstraw, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose hips, slippery elm, and yellow dock.

Of course this information is all geared for people, but clearly some of it will also apply toward waterfowl.

Hmmmmm . . . . Ever see a flock of schizophrenic ducks?
Oh my word that would be funny!

Obviously yeah this is for people, but you can feed most of that stuff to ducks too (if you can find it).

Good to know in case any of us have ducks that need a boost quickly!
And you can't run to the drug store, and you had some of this in your fridge...

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