Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)

If all you are feeding is rice in addition to free range, then adding mashed up egg to their rice will help them

As far as genetics of the parents, it would play a large role in the health of your ducks. Strong parents make strong babies (usually).
I have been reading a ton of posts about leg issues with ducklings and searched to find this post. I hope anyone new to ducklings sees this and reads thru it learning about niacin and what to do in case of leg issues. I am commenting here to give this post a nudge for anyone who could use the info. Good luck to anyone dealing with duckling issues.
I see the recommended dose of niacin for ducklings (100-150 mg per gallon of water) but what is the recommended dose of Brewer's yeast?

According to Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks: "5 to 7.5lbs (2-3 kg) of livestock grade brewer's yeast per 100 lbs (37 kg) of chicken feed or 2 to 3 cups of brewers yeast per 10 lbs (3.5 kg) of feed..." We mix small batches of 1lb 4oz of feed with 1/4cup brewers yeast from the health food store.
Hope that helps...
According to Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks: "5 to 7.5lbs (2-3 kg) of livestock grade brewer's yeast per 100 lbs (37 kg) of chicken feed or 2 to 3 cups of brewers yeast per 10 lbs (3.5 kg) of feed..." We mix small batches of 1lb 4oz of feed with 1/4cup brewers yeast from the health food store.
Hope that helps...

Thanks for the info CalBells
. Last year I just started feeding the ducklings and goslings Mazuri Waterfowl starter (then Maintenance and finally Breeder). Took all the headache and worry out of "how much of this and how much of that"? should they be getting. I have not had a single problem with legs or growth or anything with my geese who will be 8 weeks old on Monday.

In fact, a few minutes ago I ordered two 50 lb bags of the Mazuri Waterfowl Maintenance feed which they will stay on until next late winter/early spring when she starts laying. Then I'll shift them over to the Breeder Feed. I do mix it with a smaller amount of regular layer pellets also in about a 30/70 ratio once they reach laying age. This is the second full year doing it this way and all is well.
Oh my word that would be funny!

Obviously yeah this is for people, but you can feed most of that stuff to ducks too (if you can find it).

Good to know in case any of us have ducks that need a boost quickly!
And you can't run to the drug store, and you had some of this in your fridge...
Yay! As it happens, the whole family is out so no car, my phone doesn't work, and while I started the Brewer's yeast yesterday, my little ones are still pretty lethargic, so I was excited about seeing "dandelion greens" on the list because some just sprouted in my front flower bed and I'm gonna go pick it and give it to them.
Let's back up.

Could you tell me what you feed them, when, the watering situation, so on?

Looking for clues.

Oh, and what's the brooder temperature? Are they too hot?

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