Niacin for chicks


Mar 8, 2018
purchased 6 chicks and 2 ducklings. I have heard that I Ned to supplement the ducks with niacin. If I put it in the food or water, will it hurt the chicks?
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I contacted Purina, since Niacin levels aren't printed on the bags.

Their Purina Flock Raiser has 20% protein and 1% (ish) calcium. But the niacin level in it IS enough to meet the needs of ducks. I don't have them anymore... but raised 9 ducklings more than 6 months, and NEVER had any issues with duck or chicks.

IMHO... if you are feeding a formulated ration WITH the correct amounts and NOT diminishing too far with treats... there is NO need to supplement. It isn't listed on most guaranteed analysis tags, that I've seen. But you should be able to contact ANY feed company to get their levels.

An excellent resource for much duck information... this link is specifically to nutrition requirements...

The Purina Flock Raiser... did have the 55 mg/kg. It did take them a few days to get back to me via email.

Hope this is helpful. :fl

Have fun on your fantastic new adventure! :wee
I contacted Purina, since Niacin levels aren't printed on the bags.

Their Purina Flock Raiser has 20% protein and 1% (ish) calcium. But the niacin level in it IS enough to meet the needs of ducks. I don't have them anymore... but raised 9 ducklings more than 6 months, and NEVER had any issues with duck or chicks.
Did they tell you how much niacin they use? I know it's more than the chick starter, but I am curious as to what the actual amount is.
Did they tell you how much niacin they use? I know it's more than the chick starter, but I am curious as to what the actual amount is.
Yes, it was 55... I thought part per million, but seeing how it's stated.. was likely mg/kg.

Real quick since I have your attention... I had to buy my Purina flock raiser at my LFS (who said they still had pellets a short while back)... anyways, I didn't go in and look for the pellets, but the crumbles they brought me, just this week had a mill date of December... I will only be shopping there out of desperation in the future and suspect the pellets they had are WAY past mill date also... so maybe no longer being manufactured just as it isn't shown on their site.
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

I contacted Purina, since Niacin levels aren't printed on the bags.

Their Purina Flock Raiser has 20% protein and 1% (ish) calcium. But the niacin level in it IS enough to meet the needs of ducks. I don't have them anymore... but raised 9 ducklings more than 6 months, and NEVER had any issues with duck or chicks.

IMHO... if you are feeding a formulated ration WITH the correct amounts and NOT diminishing too far with treats... there is NO need to supplement. It isn't listed on most guaranteed analysis tags, that I've seen. But you should be able to contact ANY feed company to get their levels.

An excellent resource for much duck information... this link is specifically to nutrition requirements...

The Purina Flock Raiser... did have the 55 mg/kg. It did take them a few days to get back to me via email.

Hope this is helpful. :fl

Have fun on your fantastic new adventure! :wee
Thank you.

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