Nigerian Dwarf Population Explosion!


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
We had a Nigerian Dwarf population explosion two weeks ago! We had three does give birth within 48 hours. We had triplets (2 does/1 buck), quads (2 does/2 bucks - lost one little buckling
), and triplets (2 bucks/1 doe). I have a few pics....




We do have some of the doelings available still...if you would like more information, please go to our website at and look at the babies. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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Aww! They are just adorable.
My fiance' has said "No goats!" but if I came home with cuties like that he couldn't say no!
What do you use for fencing? I've been wondering if the smaller goats are more difficult to contain than larger breeds.
We use graduated woven wire fencing...holes bigger at the top and smaller at the bottom. Amazingly enough, our ND's aren't too hard to keep in. The babies can fit through the holes for a few weeks, but they don't really do that because they tend to stay with mom and the herd. My DH said no to goats (for a while) then let my daughter (and I) get four ND's a few years ago. Now we have about 20. They really aren't that much trouble, and they have such great personalities that they have even won him over.
I think they are easier to keep in just because of their size. They aren't heavy enough to ride the fence down and they aren't tall enough to make a big jump over stuff - don't get me wrong, they can jump...but not as high as a standard. Remember if you want goats, you must have at least 2...they are herd animals and don't do well alone.
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Thanks mamabird! All of our pastures are fenced with 7-wire high tensile, but we are hoping to use some fixed-knot fencing in the future. Hopefully by then I will have a good argument for why goats are a necessity on this farm.

Beautiful website, btw.

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