Night time Roost Layer - Daytime Box Sitter HELP!


Mar 20, 2015
I have Buff Orpington who was a really good consistent layer. Lately she has been having some issues.
For over a week now, nearly daily I will find an under-developed egg under the roost where she has been sitting (obviously cracked) then in the mornings she will sit in the box as if she needs to lay. She seems to be laying in her sleep - and then still feeling the need to lay in the morning.
I have given them access to oyster shells, she regularly gets yogurt (weekly opportunities).

Has anyone experienced this before? Is it a phase?
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Sometimes a hen takes to the nest because she doesn't feel well. Also, the others may ssense this and pick on her, and being in the nest gives her some protection from the pecking. It does sound like she has some disorder of the egg laying system. Perhaps she is an internal layer, also called egg yolk peritonitis. Or it could be a cancer, or any of a number of other things -- but I would say she does not feel well, at any rate.
She seem relatively healthy - and she is top dog in the flock so she is not being picked on - - it just seems like she cannot "hold her egg" yet still feels the need to sit in the box to lay
She is a puzzle, you may want to post in detail about her at "Emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread and also at "Chicken behavior and egg laying." Do you have any knowledgeable vets with avian experience? I hope someone will be able to tell you how to put her right. Welcome to BYC

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