Nipple waterer

Yesterday my horizontal poultry nipples arrived in the mail and I quickly put together the 5 gallon bucket waterer with a 21/64 drill bit and some teflon tape. I filled the bucket up, added some ACV, and replaced the fount in my run with the bucket. Literally within seconds my curious 3-mo old hens walked over and immediately started pecking the red nipples and drinking. It was as if they already knew what to do. Amazing! And a relief. Some smart chicks.

I'm expecting their Yale acceptance letters any day now.
Yesterday my horizontal poultry nipples arrived in the mail and I quickly put together the 5 gallon bucket waterer with a 21/64 drill bit and some teflon tape. I filled the bucket up, added some ACV, and replaced the fount in my run with the bucket. Literally within seconds my curious 3-mo old hens walked over and immediately started pecking the red nipples and drinking. It was as if they already knew what to do. Amazing! And a relief. Some smart chicks. 

I'm expecting their Yale acceptance letters any day now. 

Don't you love it when everything works like it is suppose too.
I too use water nipple and love it. I feel so much better knowing they are always getting fresh clean water. Mine are in a long PVC pipe with a 5 gallon bucket for the holding tank. The girls love it and my now 2 1/2 old chicks had no troubles figuring it out too.
All I could find locally was the vertical nipples. How many inches above the ground should I put them for full size chickens. (Wyandotte, Barred Rock, Ameraucana....) I'm still building the coop, but those are the breeds I'm most interested in. I'm ready to install the waterer, but don't know how high to mount the nipples.
I use the nipples on a 5psi water line and the Poultry Water Cups - auto filling on the same 5psi water lines. I convert everything to low cost irrigation dripper tubing/fittings and have it routed in the coop and in the chicken run. 4 stations, 1 nipple line outdoors, 1 nipple line in coop, 1 cup line outdoors, 1 cup line in coop. Most of the chickens prefer the cups, some of them use the nipples. The cups have to be cleaned every day or 2 by spraying out with hose. The nipples never have to be cleaned. Probably worth it to just make them figure out the nipples. When they get thirsty, they'll figure it out. I may eventually take out the cup lines.

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