Nipple Waterers vs. Gravity Waterers

Jul 1, 2019
New Mexico
Hi! I am considering switching to using nipple waterers for my flocks. I have quite a few questions!

1. What have your experiences been with nipple waterers?

2. Do you prefer nipple or gravity waterers?

3. At what age (of chicks) do you switch from gravity waterers to nipple waterers?

4. How messy are nipple waterers compared to gravity waterers?

5. Do your chickens drink more from nipple or gravity waterers?

6. What type of nipple waterers do you use?

7. What type of nipple waterers work the best?

8. What types of nipple waterers have you used in the past?

9. Where did you get your nipple waterers?

10. How much do the nipple waterers you have cost?
We have some chicks that are around a week old and their water was constantly dirty. I bought nipple waterers and screwed them into the bottom of a peanut butter jar. Within a couple of minutes, the chicks were all over it. The PB jar was the thickest disposable plastic container I could find and It works fine. These are our first chickens.


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Hi I've tried many different types of waters including different styles of nipple waterers and gravity. I can try and help shed some light on the subject, but please don't take my opinion as anything other than my opinion because everyones situation and experiences are different.

1. What have your experiences been with nipple waterers?
I find them annoying and drippy. I have tried nipple waterers in my brooder, with my laying flock (inside and outside), with my meat birds, and with my turkeys. The only situation when I still use nipples is with the turkeys once they go out on pasture.

2. Do you prefer nipple or gravity waterers?
My favorite waterer (and I have about 10 of them) is the Plasson broiler drinker also known as a "bell drinker" or "bell waterer". It's the only waterer I will use these days after almost a decade of for-profit chicken keeping and probably thousands of dollars spent on waterers. I use them in all my pasture pens, in my brooder, and in my laying coops year round. Honestly, these things are the cats pajamas.

4. How messy are nipple waterers compared to gravity waterers?
They are pretty messy. They can sometimes drip by themselves, often times the chickens don't "catch" all the water when they hit the nipple causing little bits to fall on the ground, and my least favorite - I've seen slightly aged nipples get stuck in the open position and consequently drain the entire water container on to whatever the nipple are over leaving a huge area of wet bedding or muddy ground and no water for your chickens to drink until you get back to the coop.

5. Do your chickens drink more from nipple or gravity waterers?
They seem to drink more from a trough than a nipple in my experience

6. What type of nipple waterers do you use?
I've used side load and bottom load

7. What type of nipple waterers work the best?
not sure of brands, I've never paid attention to the brand.

9. Where did you get your nipple waterers?
I made all of mine with purchased nipples and buckets or other containers

10. How much do the nipple waterers you have cost?
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Hi I've tried many different types of waters including different styles of nipple waterers and gravity. I can try and help shed some light on the subject, but please don't take my opinion as anything other than my opinion because everyones situation and experiences are different.

1. What have your experiences been with nipple waterers?
I find them annoying and drippy. I have tried nipple waterers in my brooder, with my laying flock (inside and outside), with my meat bird, and with my turkeys. The only situation when I still use nipples is with the turkeys once they go out on pasture.

2. Do you prefer nipple or gravity waterers?
My favorite waterer (and I have about 10 of them) is the Plasson broiler drinker also known as a "bell drinker" or "bell waterer". It's the only waterer I will use these days after almost a decade of for-profit chicken keeping and probably thousands of dollars spent on waterers. I use them in all my pasture pens, in my brooder, and in my laying coops year round. Honestly, these things are the cats pajamas.

4. How messy are nipple waterers compared to gravity waterers?
They are pretty messy. They can sometimes drip by themselves, often times the chickens don't "catch" all the water when they hit the nipple causing little bits to fall on the ground, and my least favorite - I've seen slightly aged nipples get stuck in the open position and consequently drain the entire water container on to whatever the nipple are over leaving a huge area of wet bedding or muddy ground and no water for your chickens to drink until you get back to the coop.

5. Do your chickens drink more from nipple or gravity waterers?
They seem to drink more from a trough than a nipple in my experience

6. What type of nipple waterers do you use?
I've used side load and bottom load

7. What type of nipple waterers work the best?
not sure of brands, I've never paid attention to the brand.

9. Where did you get your nipple waterers?
I made all of mine with purchased nipples and buckets or other containers

10. How much do the nipple waterers you have cost?
Thank you for your reply!
1. I've used both vertical and horizontal nipples and gravity waterers.
2. Nipple
3. I switch over when the chicks find the nipple waterer themselves and start using it... last batch started maybe around 8 weeks? 10 weeks? I anticipate my next chicks will take longer to use the nipples due to height of the current watering set up, but I will add some steps to try and encourage them to switch over earlier.
4. No mess for me. I've never had to clean out the insides of my nipple waterers (I just rinse) and dripping is minimal, even with the vertical one (which are more prone to dripping, but mine is installed super TIGHT so no seeping around the installation hole).
5. Not applicable, there's no gravity waterer available for my adults, only for chicks or sick or isolated birds.
6. Horizontal
7. "Best" in terms of ease of use for chickens, vertical. "Best" in terms of my preference, horizontal - they don't freeze as readily and are less prone to dripping.
8. See answer to #1 above
9. Ordered online from manufacturer, Premier 1.
10. I don't DIY my own, so the waterer I currently own costs $60?
1. I've used both vertical and horizontal nipples and gravity waterers.
2. Nipple
3. I switch over when the chicks find the nipple waterer themselves and start using it... last batch started maybe around 8 weeks? 10 weeks? I anticipate my next chicks will take longer to use the nipples due to height of the current watering set up, but I will add some steps to try and encourage them to switch over earlier.
4. No mess for me. I've never had to clean out the insides of my nipple waterers (I just rinse) and dripping is minimal, even with the vertical one (which are more prone to dripping, but mine is installed super TIGHT so no seeping around the installation hole).
5. Not applicable, there's no gravity waterer available for my adults, only for chicks or sick or isolated birds.
6. Horizontal
7. "Best" in terms of ease of use for chickens, vertical. "Best" in terms of my preference, horizontal - they don't freeze as readily and are less prone to dripping.
8. See answer to #1 above
9. Ordered online from manufacturer, Premier 1.
10. I don't DIY my own, so the waterer I currently own costs $60?
Thank you!

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