Nipple watering

Yes. I thought I could see in your post, a few back that you wished an automated system. And you can have it, you just need a reservoir for the gravity section, and a method such as a float valve to feed it. It should work nice for you, if that is your preference.

Best to you and your birds/project,

I think id rather have a semi auto system. So I know if they are drinking and how much. It would be nice to not have to fill up a container every day as with a traditional waterer so I think I'll do the gravity fed system and fill the reservoir as needed by hand. Thank you for your advice and wisdom.
After multiple attempts of shoving their faces into the nipples and multiple attempts at flicking/poking the nipples, my chickens could care less. I finally held up a rock and moved it toward the nipple as they were pecking the rock. One of them pecked the nipple and realized it had water. They then no longer cared about the rock and began using the waterer! success!!!
I think id rather have a semi auto system. So I know if they are drinking and how much. It would be nice to not have to fill up a container every day as with a traditional waterer so I think I'll do the gravity fed system and fill the reservoir as needed by hand. Thank you for your advice and wisdom.

You just need a big enough container to not have to fill it everyday. I use a 5-gallon container for our 15 birds and only fill it about once a week, even in 80-90F weather.
After multiple attempts of shoving their faces into the nipples and multiple attempts at flicking/poking the nipples, my chickens could care less. I finally held up a rock and moved it toward the nipple as they were pecking the rock. One of them pecked the nipple and realized it had water. They then no longer cared about the rock and began using the waterer! success!!!

Congrats! Thanks for sharing, I think it will be helpful to others.

One thing I have noticed is that "shoving their faces" into the nipples seems to work for a few people, but most people I am hearing from who try that, it doesn't work for them. I think it depends on how comfortable your birds are to being picked up and handled. Some birds will panic when you do this and the only thing on their mind is how to get free from your grip (nipple? what nipple?). Some birds will be fine with being handled and will see the nipple right away.
After multiple attempts of shoving their faces into the nipples and multiple attempts at flicking/poking the nipples, my chickens could care less. I finally held up a rock and moved it toward the nipple as they were pecking the rock. One of them pecked the nipple and realized it had water. They then no longer cared about the rock and began using the waterer! success!!!

If all the other water sources are removed, they'll find it.
I just received my horizontal nipples in the mail. I purchased screw on covers for five gallon buckets at Lowes ,because I hate trying to pry off the regular covers. What I was wondering do you need to drill a small hole in the cover so a vacuum won't be created as the chickens drink and lower the water?
i used a big 5 liter plastic bottle wich originally contained liquid detergent. You can also use similar bottles that contained oil or something else if you clean it well before using it.

Fot the nipples I bought in Holland i used a 10 mm drill to make a hole and just screw it in.
The container hangs outside the fence and i can easily fill it with a watering can.

When it was newmade I had the yellow cap loose on the container. Later on it started to leak and now i tighten it a bit to prevent leaking.

P.s. The niples are not the horizontal type. The nippels I used are ment as vertical ones but i put then under an angle of 45 degree. This way I can put the container outside the fence. i have never seen the horizontal here in Holland.

P.s.2 The chickens never had a problem drinking from it. They also have another type of waterer and even open water, so they can choose and there is no risk of having no water at all. They drink from all but prefer the open water ( bird bath).
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My big issue with the vertical nipples is the doggone dripping. They drip while the chickens are drinking, but even worse they drip every time a chick walks under the waterer and brushes a nipple with it's back. But I only use them for brand new chicks, and every single time, without exception, they learn to use it in minutes. I just think the vertical nipples take less pressure to activate, so that's why I start with them. As soon as they know exactly what that little metal trigger is for and they are a little stronger, they go straight to horizontal. There's a moment or two of confusion, but that's soon past and they don't even think twice about using it. Then the bucket with the verticals is washed, air dried, and put away for the next chicks.

I used to worry about them not getting enough water because when we let them out of the run for some free time they hit that open water dish out in the yard, or a puddle, or any other water they see and drink like they've been on a Sahara Desert trek. I have come to understand that that's just chickens.....silly things! They'll do the same thing with food - put something down and you'd think they hadn't eaten in days. So I don't worry about it anymore.

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