I have two dark blue Barnevelder pullets, many orange and blue or black EE pullets, a cream legbar pullet and some cockerels for sale.
The Barneys were hatched 7/21 from eggs from a breeder. Two blue pullets one black cockerel and one blue cockerel. Pullets $30 cockerels free.
The EEs are from Meyer and hatched 8/18. $15
The Cream Legbar is from Cackle hatched 6/9. $20
The Silverudd is a splash male hatched 7/21 from eggs from a breeder. Free
All vaccinated twice for Marek's. Raised on coccidiostat feed.
The Barneys were hatched 7/21 from eggs from a breeder. Two blue pullets one black cockerel and one blue cockerel. Pullets $30 cockerels free.
The EEs are from Meyer and hatched 8/18. $15
The Cream Legbar is from Cackle hatched 6/9. $20
The Silverudd is a splash male hatched 7/21 from eggs from a breeder. Free
All vaccinated twice for Marek's. Raised on coccidiostat feed.