no air gap


6 Years
Mar 5, 2013
Started with six under my broody. I am on day 15 now and have discarded 4 eggs. One left I am almost certain is viable is mostly dark and has a definite air gap. One is ever so slightly cracked but is also mostly dark tho does not seem to have a light air gap. Is this one likely to still be viable?
Started with six under my broody. I am on day 15 now and have discarded 4 eggs. One left I am almost certain is viable is mostly dark and has a definite air gap. One is ever so slightly cracked but is also mostly dark tho does not seem to have a light air gap. Is this one likely to still be viable?

If the egg is cracked it is highly likely that bacteria is getting inside the egg. Don't give up on it yet but the prognosis isn't good.
Thanks, I wasn't holding out much hope but sure I shall learn my lesson in a week.

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