No brooder bedding?



5 Years
Jan 5, 2018
Mansfield, Tx
So, I have raised ducklings before that came in from the mail.
The brooder I had then was set-up in the guest bathroom, as it was the only place safe and out of the way. When cleaning I would scrape off all the wood chips that I could and put it into the trash, but occasionally the smaller pieces couldn't come off easily. These ended up going down the drain when cleaning the brooder or accessories. Needless to say, this caused a huge problem with the plumbing later!! Its all fixed now but it got me thinking...
I am wondering...Do we have to have bedding? Can't I just keep them in the kid-pool with their food, water, and heat-plate without bedding? I could then remove put the ducks into another temporary holding cell whilst I rinse the kid-pool down using the hand held shower in the clawfoot tub?

One bird just hatched this morning and another one is about to hatch so I have 24 hours to think it over, and I would like to read your opinions.
Towels or the rubber shelving stuff the need to have traction or they can end up with spraddle leg. Congrats on the ducklings !! How many eggs are you waiting on?

Ooh yeah. Drawer mats or even showermats. I bet the dollar store has those.
I have 8 eggs, not counting the hatched bird, and the one about to hatch. I started with 16, but several ended-up infertile. Two quit growing during the process, and the fetus demised. One pipped in the bottom. I tried to save that one, but It was too late. Right now all the other eggs look healthy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I certainly don't need this many ducks, but it is terribly sad when they don't make it.
Ooh yeah. Drawer mats or even showermats. I bet the dollar store has those.
I have 8 eggs, not counting the hatched bird, and the one about to hatch. I started with 16, but several ended-up infertile. Two quit growing during the process, and the fetus demised. One pipped in the bottom. I tried to save that one, but It was too late. Right now all the other eggs look healthy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I certainly don't need this many ducks, but it is terribly sad when they don't make it.
I think if you go to Dollar Tree you can get some rolls of that rubber shelf liner stuff. It can be washed too! Not sure if it will get bunched up though with them walking on it. How about puppy pads like from Sam's Club? Just roll up and throw away although that can get expensive after a while.

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