No cost Feeder made from skids.


6 Years
Jul 24, 2013
Built this along with my skid lumber coop. First I utilized the calculated cubic inches of a 50# bag of food that another forum member posted (approx 2500 cubic inches). I divided that by the width between the side supports and once again by distance between the top boards and bottom boards. The resulting number was how tall or long I needed the feeder to be. I cut the skid in half. Attached oversize boards on the back side to aid in hanging at any desirable height. Cut some scab pieces for the angle diverter and to make a catch bin for the food. I took more boards from other skids and nailed over any gaps. Dump the entire bag in from the top So far working great.

Hubby made a feeder from free wood that holds 100lbs of feed. This wood we used was laying around our house for

I had hubby make a removable tray, so i can clean out the feed dust when needed. They can't spill it out either, so none is wasted unless its summer and the feed sits in there too long. Then I compost the old feed.

The feeder sits outside our coop and holds 100lbs feed which is nice for winter.

The tray was cut into the coop.

We have shelving above the feeder as poop boards, so poop doesn't get in the feed. The heater is only in the coop during the winter. It's nice to have and keeps our water from freezing.

We got the plan from another BYC member! It's awesome you all help us make life easier by sharing your ideas! Thank you.
This was previously posted on here. I think it unique!

My current feeder is a twin to Wdr61. Chicken scatter some feed but Works well. I just cover up the trough for a few hours and they clean up any scattered feed..
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