No egg

stephen k

In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 21, 2013
Hello I'm new to backyard chickens an me and my gf haven't had an egg in 3 months.were from Ireland so the weather is always terrible so we try to keep the coop well heated!we hav 12 hens and 2 roosters and 4 ducks!they all get on wel and get plenty of food,clean water and the chance to toms around our garden at there own leisure.has any1 any ideas on what we could do.any help is appreciated
Hello, Stephen, welcome to BYC. Any chance they might have hidden nests somewhere in the yard? Rest assured that they will start laying as the days lengthen. Day light 'sparks' their hormonal system.
to BYC!

This time of year, with the lack of daylight hours, it can turn off the hormones of birds and stop the laying. Molting also plays a part in the lack of eggs, since molting takes up needed protein for feathers instead of eggs. Some chickens will continue to lay throughout the winter, although usually infrequently. And some can be coaxed into laying by adding more light to their environment. Optimumly, they need 14 to 16 hours of daylight to continue to lay. So some people will turn on the coop light a couple hours before sun up, leave it off during the day, and then leave it on a few hours after sunset. This can stimulate the laying. Never leave the light on for 24 hours.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!
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Right now with it being winter in the Northern Hemisphere, a lot of the same issues here across the pond. Most cases the chickens are just not getting enough light to trigger their laying cycle. Days are starting to get longer again and you may see some increased laying, but a lot of us add additional light to the coops to get the eggs rolling again.

We try to give our chickens 14hours of light combine with natural daylight + electric light to get them going in the winter.

Best of luck.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck getting your hens to start laying again.

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